From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

I'm very pleased with my new website. Clean, crisp and well-ordered. Many thanks to Andrew and the team at Digital Tsunami for their speedy work and dedicated follow up, ensuring a glitch-free launch!

Stephanie Oley
Writer, Editor, Translator
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

.. accurately interpreted the project brief and the outcome was a piece of cost effective quality work.

Lawrence Sank
Product Marketing Manager - Mobile Broadband
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Personal Broadband Australia
Quotation Mark

Clients have really appreciated the video .. sales staff are so pleased to have this tool. It is very empowering to show.

Anisa Meriem Telwar
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Anisa International
Quotation Mark

Thanks very much for the speed & professionalism with which you continue to service our needs, despite the fact that this is provided pro bono !

Your ongoing generosity in donating the services of Digital Tsunami to Foodbank is appreciated more than you know. We, and the 30,000 people a day you help us feed, are indebted to you.

Bronwyn Boekenstein
North Ryde, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

This is fantastic. Thank you. I really appreciate all the work you have done for us!

Marietta Courtney
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Cameragal Montessori School